Advocates are defenders of good causes and, in the case of Tech Brazil Advocates, we want to contribute to the maturation of the Brazilian ecosystem by connecting it intensely with the world.
Our Story
Tech Brazil Advocates was created following an invitation from Russ Shaw, creator of Global Tech Advocates, based in the United Kingdom and which currently brings together more than 20,000 professionals in various regions of the world to exchange knowledge, connections and contribute as an active and positive network to the advancement of innovation ecosystems.

Our Vision
Based in London, Global Tech Advocates connects the global tech ecosystem, from business leaders and founders to investors and educators, into an inclusive community.
Proudly independent, private sector-led and without government support, TECH BRAZIL ADVOCATES finds solutions to the challenges faced by technology and innovation companies internationally.
We unify the private technology sector and speak with a consistent voice to influence policy and inspire change.

Founding Partner and CEO of Axonal Consultoria Tecnológica, Holder of Chair No. 2 of the Brazilian Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Specialist in patents and technological intelligence. Member of the Advisory Board (elected) of FORTEC and of the Intellectual Property Commission of OAB-SP, among other organizations. Also an active participant in networks and communities such as Mentores do Brasil, Open Innovation BR, Tech Brazil Advocates, Parceria Biodiversidade + Inovação.

Founder and CEO of LatamScaleUP, an English consulting firm for startups and pre-scaleups looking to expand into Europe. Founder of GrupoCASA, a communications strategy company focused on the innovation industry. Board member of startups. Advisor to IBGC. Member of the IBGC Startups Committee.

Henry, Sandra and Russ Shaw have been discussing over the last few months the structuring of Brazil Tech Advocates with the aim of creating bridges with internationalization and contributing to the promotion of an increasingly strong ecosystem in Brazil.

Founder of Tech London Advocates (TLA) and Global Tech Advocates (GTA), private sector-led groups of leaders who advance technology ecosystems. The groups are non-profit communities of individuals with aspirations to build and advance technology hubs globally.
London Tech Ambassador for the Mayor of London’s Office. Member of the London Tech Week steering group, advisor to the Digital Skills Partnership, Teen Tech, Growth Enabler and the Creative Industries Federation, and trustee of the charities Founders4Schools and Modern Muse.
Conselho Consultivo
Nosso Conselho começou a atuar um mês após nosso lançamento e está contribuindo para criar o planejamento estratégico do TBA além de ajudar na estrutura de governança da instituição.
Position / Role
Técia Carvalho

Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas do Norte e Nordeste - NEPEN
Position / Role
Danielle Moraes

Danielle é a Diretora da Alcance Innovation Consulting, uma consultoria especializada em Gestão Estratégica da Inovação, Incentivos Fiscais e Financiamento para empresas envolvidas em Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Inovação.
Trabalhou como Consultora de Desenvolvimento de Negócios, Parcerias Estratégicas e Tecnológicas na Oninn (CSEM Brasil), da Suíça. .
Danielle também atuou internacionalmente como Gerente de Vendas e Marketing da ID Quantique, líder mundial em soluções de criptografia segura quântica . Foi pesquisadora no CERN, a Organização Europeia para a Pesquisa Nuclear onde fez seu doutorado.
Position / Role
Thomas Lanz

Economista pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Foi o quinto brasileiro a receber o Master (MBA) pelo INSEAD – França no ano de 1978.
Foi presidente de grupos nacionais, tais como: Carbex e Giroflex,entre outras além de conselheiro de empresas nacionais e multinacionais.
Dirige a Thomas Lanz Consultores especializada em Governança, Co-autor dos livros: Aspectos Relevantes da Empresa Familiar (Editora Saraiva) e Empresas Familiares - Uma Visão Interdisciplinar (Editora Noeses)
É conselheiro pelo IBGC e consultor com certificação do FFI – EUA (Family Firm Institute).